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U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear bid to sue Reddit over child porn

By Andrew Chung

May 30 (Reuters) – The U.S.
Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear a bid by child porn pornography victims to overcome a legal shield for internet companies in a case involving a lawsuit accusing Reddit Inc of violating federal law by failing to rid the discussion website of this illegal content.

The justices turned away the appeal of a lower court’s decision to dismiss the proposed class action lawsuit on the grounds that Reddit was shielded by a U.S.

statute called Section 230, which safeguards internet companies from lawsuits for content posted by users but has an exception for claims involving child sex trafficking.

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The Supreme Court on May 19 sidestepped an opportunity to narrow the scope of Section 230 immunity in a separate case.

(Reporting by Andrew Chung in New York; Editing by Will Dunham)