SMD company products related to Siemens SGT600, IGT25 and GT10B turbines.
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Designed and built to satisfy the need for heavy-duty equipment able to meet the requirements for low life-cycle cost, i.e. low first cost, low fuel costs and low costs for operation and maintenance.
The SGT-600 combines robustness with an excellent maintenance program for high availability and low costs for operation.
With high reliability, excellent fuel flexibility, and third-generation DLE technology, the SGT-600 is a perfect choice for industrial power generation in combined heat and power (CHP), combined circle power plants (CCPP), onshore oil and gas power generation, and mechanical drives, offering efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
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Pulse jet turbine system (Knowledge basis) approved and purchased by OTC company
Signal Conditioner Sensorex type with commercial brand: SMD110SCISO158S and MESC COD: 6022908012 Place of use: Fuel valves ,Moog SKF (Main & Primary) model & IGV
Fuel valve main & primary in Metso/Heinzmann and Metso/Moog SKF models, both models are
knowledge based registration